Supplying feet on the street to ensure a successful nationwide technology rollout for the largest LTL carrier in the United States


FedEx Freight is the largest LTL carrier in the United States, with facilities located across the country. When they roll out new technology across all of their locations, it requires a lot of manpower to get the job done. So, FedEx Freight and Diversified brought in ASD® because of their impressive AASDI partner program.


FedEx Freight wanted to update the TVs and players in all of their facilities so that employees could watch the internal CCTV broadcast. They brought on Diversified (at the time called Technical Innovations) to help with the massive undertaking, but Diversified needed help getting feet on the street, especially for the remote facilities.


  • How can we ensure superior service at every location, even the ones located in rural areas?
  • Taking into account the other vendors, what’s the most efficient way to install the TVs?
Fedex garage loading (1)


fedex cable installation (1)


Fedex organized cable (1)



ASD® was brought in because of our impressive AASDI network. AASDI (pronounced “as-dee”) stands for Authorized ASD® Installer. This database has over 12,000 partners with detailed records of their licensing, insurance, and ratings. ASD® project managers can tap into this network and get reliable, vetted technicians to sites across the US, even when they’re located far away from major cities.

Finding technicians was the easy part, but since ASD® was contracted solely for the TV installation, other trades impacted the deliverables. It was decided that the best way to get the job done would be in two phases. The first phase was a site survey, where a technician would go on-site and map out exactly where the TV, electrical outlet, and mounts needed to go. Then, after the electricians installed the outlets, an AASDI would go back out to complete the installation. This required a fair amount of planning, especially for some of the transfer sites, which are only open for a few hours during the week. Project managers and AASDIs had to adhere to a strict timeline to get the work done within the time frame.

Fedex deployment locations


ASD® was initially only brought on for the first rollout project, but we wowed Diversified and FedEx with our red-carpet service so much that they brought us back year after year. Now, all of the TVs are updated, and staff can watch important broadcasts that provide information on safety, weather, and more.

Project Summary


Industrial & Manufacturing




Digital Signage



  • Yearly technology rollouts since 2014
  • 550+ locations serviced, many in remote locations
  • 160+ TVs installed during the most recent rollout


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