Nationwide technology installation and support services for one of the top 10 banks in the United States.


One of the top 10 banks in the United States needed a reliable technology partner to help build their IT infrastructure, conduct site surveys, and service their locations – wherever they may be. They had stringent specifications that needed to be followed, so the right supplier needed proper certifications.



  • What certifications are needed to ensure the client has a warranty on the system?
  • Can the AASDI network's extensive reach benefit the client beyond our initial scope?
  • How should the work be performed to minimize disruptions and downtime? 
Bank cellular site survey Bank industry video surveillance Banking client low voltage


To accommodate our client's stringent specifications, ASD® acquired a manufacturer-specific certification and ensured that our AASDI network (pronounced "as-dee") had technicians with the proper credentials. The AASDI network has over 12,000 partners with detailed licensing, insurance, and ratings records. This large talent pool ensures that the right technician is always selected. Once the proper certifications were in place, the Project Management team could schedule the sites.

Most of the work had to be performed overnight and after hours to minimize disruptions and downtime within the bank. The team worked in phases to keep the project running smoothly. The ASD® team was responsible for the build-out of the IT closets and ran cables to the security cameras, workstations, doors, and ATMs. Additionally, we joined forces with our technology partner Wilson Pro to complete site surveys for cellular repeaters in locations where cell service was challenging. Cell signals were tested on the roof, facility, and parking lot. Recommendations were made based on the results.

Bank national vendor technology


By obtaining the proper certifications and using certified installers, the bank could register the system through the manufacturer's warranty program. The warranty program gives assurance of system success with a 25-year guarantee on the components, performance, and installation integrity of structured cabling systems.

Overall, the ASD® team has helped our banking client with several projects across the United States, and they are delighted with the quality of deliverables and speed of execution. From IT closet designs and installs to service tickets and site surveys, they know they can call ASD®.

Project Summary








Wireless Network


  • 40+ cable drops per site
  • Ran cable to workstations, doors, security cameras, and ATMs
  • Partnered with WilsonPro for cellular site surveys
  • Projects completed in 7 states with more to come


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